Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Virginize your 1.0.2 iPhone

This guide will instruct you how to virginize your 1.0.2 after you applied AnySim/iUnlocker. After this you can safely install 1.1.1.
Start by downloading this: Virginiser.tar.gz.
1. Install SSH (Via INdependence or in Installer>System "BSD Subsystem" and then "OpenSSH"). By default your password will be "dottie"
2. If you are using Mac start terminal. Type in
scp -r Virginiser.tar.gz root@
Wheres is your IP address. You can view it on your iPhone in Settings>WiFi. If you are using Windows use WinSCP to upload it.
3. Still in terminal, type:
ssh root@
Again, is your IP address. On Windows use PuTTY for this.
4. Now you have connected to your iPhone via SSH. Type:
cd /usr/bin
tar -xzvf Virginiser.tar.gz
launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
cd Virginiser
chmod 0755 *
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
5. Now just backup your seczone.backup using Fugu/WinSCP. Navigate to "/usr/bin/Virginise", and download seczone.backup.

Now you are ready to update your phone to version 1.1.1. The best guide for this: winandmac.com.
Reference: iPhone Elite Dev Team revirginize tool.